Residential Roofing
When considering the possibility of upgrading or replacing your roof, the process may become quite difficult and stressful. You'll have to think about what kind of material to use, what kind of style would be economical yet appealing, and what color to go with, all of which might leave you feeling a little overwhelmed. The good news is that our team of specialists has years of expertise in the roofing trade, and we'd like to mention some of the most popular roof tile styles and shapes for residential roofs and the reasons why they're the most efficient.
Spanish Roof Tiles Spanish tiles are an excellent choice for homes that are designed in a Spanish or Mediterranean style. This form of roofing is also a good match for stone or brick exterior siding. It is an appropriate roofing material for many of the most popular architectural styles today. Spanish roof tiles are a type of "barrel roof tile" with a wave-like shape resembling an S and are used on various roofs. Aside from their obvious elegant design and extremely long-life expectancy, they also outperform most other alternatives when it comes to tolerance to damage caused by extreme weather conditions. Spanish Roof tiles are also fireproof, and it has a class-A fire-resistance rating. Mission Roof Tiles Or "Real Barrel Tiles" A mission tile roof system consists of different barrels that are mounted on the roof to create alternating concave forms. When it comes to mission tile roofing, it is highly regarded for its unusual appearance, which varies as the sun sends shifting shadows across the surface of your roof. Mission roof tiles are available in a variety of styles, including Greek, Italia, Tapered Barrel, and Straight Barrel. Installation of this magnificent tile roof is simple, and it looks fantastic once it's completed. It is also referred to be the highest-quality and lightest composite tile currently available on the market. It is made of a robust material that is impact and hail resistant, and it is a more cost-effective alternative. Flat Shingle Roof Tiles and Interlocking Roof Tiles Although flat shingle tiles do not interlock, these roofing systems provide the opportunity to be much more creative with the diverse roof designs. In most cases, when you choose interlocking roof tiles, you will find that they have a groove on one or both sides of the tile. The tiles immediately opposite to and above this channel have a lip on them. This helps to create solid contact. Interlocking roof tiles are simple to install and make amazing lines. These roof tiles are available in a variety of forms, sizes, and colors. Wood shake, slate, smooth, and glazed roof tiles are some of the most popular kinds of interlocking roof tiles for residential tile roofing solutions. Natural Slate Tiles With a natural slate roof, your property will exude style and sophistication. It has a wide range of appealing features, ranging from its distinctive looks to its long-term dependability. Additionally, there are a variety of colors available in slate, such as the classic gray speckled tiles that give your house a distinctive color scheme. Slate is renowned to last longer than other roofing materials. Some other advantages when using slate include long-term durability, its water, and moisture resistance, it is non-combustible and resistant to fire. It won't be influenced by temperature changes or harsh weather, and slate is recognized as one of the most eco-friendly materials often used. |